Chief Guccione's Thoughts To Help Improve Your Success

The Disadvantages of Being a Firefighter

By Chief Dean Guccione - 

You may be asked the question in your panel interview, or in your Chief’s interview about the disadvantages of being a firefighter. I don’t mean to be going negative on you, but I do want you to be prepared in the event you’re asked.

Most candidates I’ve talked to haven’t thought about this question. They are usually focused on the great things or advantages about the job. Which is great.

However, just like any job, there are appealing and not so appealing aspects about being a firefighter. You might be asking yourself, how can there be any disadvantages to having the best job in the world.

The Chief and the interview panel want and need you to acknowledge that while being a firefighter is a great career, there are several aspects to the job that aren’t appealing. That doesn’t mean the job isn’t great, it just means that you need to be realistic about the environment you will be entering when you earn your badge.

Having an understanding about the lesser appealing aspects of the job is going to help you win the day, when asked this difficult question.

Death and Destruction

Probably the least appealing aspect of being a firefighter is seeing and dealing with the death and destruction on a regular basis.

One of three phenomenon occur to firefighters during their career, as they see more and more death and destruction. Number one: they become numb or apathetic to the human condition the more and more they see people dying or property being destroyed. This causes them to be hardened in their hearts and minds, which causes their customer service skills to deteriorate, their attitude to turn negative or apathetic and their job satisfaction decreases significantly.

Number two: they increasingly have a more and more difficult time processing what they’ve seen over time, and develop PTSD because they don’t have the proper coping mechanisms in place to deal with tragedy, and ultimately leave the job, and/or cause divorce, and cause drug and alcohol abuse because they can no longer handle dealing with these serious situations they’re facing on a daily basis.

Many times these firefighters become loners around the station, they’re angry and have little or no job satisfaction.

Number three: they have the proper coping mechanisms in place to deal with tragedy and death, which allows them to continue to provide the highest level of customer service, even after years of service, while still being able to make great decisions in highly difficult situations. They still have high job satisfaction and are able to go home to their families and loved ones, and have functional personal and professional relationships by separating the job from their personal lives.

Our goal, as firefighters, are to be in that 3rd group. We want to have a long and satisfying career with functional professional and personal relationships, so we must continually manage our mental state with effective coping mechanisms.

Two examples I employed during my career to cope with what I saw was if I was able to save that one person, it helped all the negatives things I was exposed to go away. That may seem simplistic, but it was about where my mind was focused. I focused on the good I was able to do for others and that really helped me cope.

The second mechanism I used in coping was, if I could exhaust every possible resource to save someone, and they still didn’t make it, then I could lay my head on my pillow at night knowing I did everything possible and in my power to save them; that there were powers out of my control determining the outcome of the call or incident. I accepted the outcome and that also helped me cope with the call or incident.

Missing Birthdays, Holidays, Kid's Events, and Anniversaries

A few other disadvantages to the job include missing birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and other personal or family events. And many of these missed events can be overcome by simply scheduling them on days when you will be home.

Granted, sometimes you can’t predict when your child will be born, or have the ability change the date of your son’s or daughter’s soccer game, or class play, but you will be home at other times to experience those events in your family’s lives.

It's important to have your family's support in your career, because missing family events and being called into work at a moment's notice are simply part of the job.

Worried Family Members

Although, you have the support of your family in pursuing your new career, that doesn't mean your spouse, family and friends won't worry about you as you leave home for your shift. And you not only leave to perform your job, you're usually away for 24 to 48 hours, or more at a time. And that can be really tough, especially for those of you who have young families.

While we are excited to go to work every day, we must keep in mind the effect that our job has on our loved ones. This can have a direct affect on us, because it can have a negative impact on our personal relationships with those we love and care about.

To help alleviate worry and fear in those who are close to us, reassure them that you are going to be smart, safe and aware of your surroundings when the tones go off and you're going into unknown situations and incidents.

It's your job to alleviate that fear, so you can maintain your personal relationships with your spouse, children, family and friends. So, be sure to not take this for granted.

While the fire department will become an important part of your life, your family members are the most important people in your life, and the fire service recognizes that.

Final Thought

When the interview panel or Fire Chief asks you this question, they are looking for an answer from you that is realistic. If you say there are no disadvantages to being a firefighter, you are probably not going to do well in either interview because there are advantages and disadvantages in any job, and it’s not realistic to think otherwise.

So, you must acknowledge that there are aspects of the job that aren’t as appealing. With that said, the advantages and the aspects of the job that are appealing far outweigh any disadvantages.